

Tormod Volden


Open source cross platform flash program for the STM32 ARM microcontrollers using the built-in ST serial bootloader over UART or I2C

Releases can be downloaded from

stm32flash 0.7 was released 2022-03-26

See the [ChangeLog] for details.


  • UART and I2C transports supported
  • device identification
  • write to flash/ram
  • read from flash/ram
  • auto-detect Intel HEX or raw binary input format with option to force binary
  • flash from binary file
  • save flash to binary file
  • verify & retry up to N times on failed writes
  • start execution at specified address
  • software reset the device when finished if -R is specified
  • resume already initialized connection (for when reset fails, UART only)
  • GPIO signalling to enter bootloader mode (hardware dependent)


See the included manual page for up-to-date, complete usage instructions (PDF version)

Usage synopsis:

Usage: ./stm32flash [-bvngfhc] [-[rw] filename] [tty_device | i2c_device]
    -a bus_address  Bus address (e.g. for I2C port)
    -b rate     Baud rate (default 57600)
    -m mode     Serial port mode (default 8e1)
    -r filename Read flash to file (or - stdout)
    -w filename Write flash from file (or - stdout)
    -C      Compute CRC of flash content
    -u      Disable the flash write-protection
    -j      Enable the flash read-protection
    -k      Disable the flash read-protection
    -o      Erase only
    -e n        Only erase n pages before writing the flash
    -v      Verify writes
    -n count    Retry failed writes up to count times (default 10)
    -g address  Start execution at specified address (0 = flash start)
    -S address[:length] Specify start address and optionally length for
                        read/write/erase operations
    -F RX_length[:TX_length]  Specify the max length of RX and TX frame
    -s start_page   Flash at specified page (0 = flash start)
    -f      Force binary parser
    -h      Show this help
    -c      Resume the connection (don't send initial INIT)
            *Baud rate must be kept the same as the first init*
            This is useful if the reset fails
    -R      Reset device at exit.
    -i GPIO_string  GPIO sequence to enter/exit bootloader mode

GPIO sequence:
    The following signals can appear in a sequence:
      Integer number representing GPIO pin
      'dtr', 'rts' or 'brk' representing serial port signal
    The sequence can use the following delimiters:
      ',' adds 100 ms delay between signals
      '&' adds no delay between signals
    The following modifiers can be prepended to a signal:
      '-' reset signal (low) instead of setting it (high)

    Get device information:
        ./stm32flash /dev/ttyS0
        ./stm32flash /dev/i2c-0

    Write with verify and then start execution:
        ./stm32flash -w filename -v -g 0x0 /dev/ttyS0

    Read flash to file:
        ./stm32flash -r filename /dev/ttyS0

    Read 100 bytes of flash from 0x1000 to stdout:
        ./stm32flash -r - -S 0x1000:100 /dev/ttyS0

    Start execution:
        ./stm32flash -g 0x0 /dev/ttyS0

    GPIO sequence:
    - entry sequence: GPIO_3=low, GPIO_2=low, 100ms delay, GPIO_2=high
    - exit sequence: GPIO_3=high, GPIO_2=low, 300ms delay, GPIO_2=high
        ./stm32flash -i '-3&-2,2:3&-2,,,2' /dev/ttyS0
    GPIO sequence adding delay after port opening:
    - entry sequence: delay 500ms
    - exit sequence: rts=high, dtr=low, 300ms delay, GPIO_2=high
        ./stm32flash -R -i ',,,,,:rts&-dtr,,,2' /dev/ttyS0

Bug reports and patches

Please file bugs and post patches in the official tracker

There is also an stm32flash mailing list for discussion and announcements:

Help and hints

Find help on our [Hints] page about

  • Linux and CH340 USB-serial adapters
  • MacOSX and PL2303 USB-serial adapters

Building from source

The code is hosted in git on SourceForge:
git clone git:// stm32flash
There is a git mirror on GitLab:

On most platforms just run "make" in the source folder. For building on Windows see also [Build]. There is also autotools support.


stm32flash was originally written by Geoffrey McRae and is since 2012 maintained by Tormod Volden. See the git log or AUTHORS file for the many other contributors.


Wiki: Build
Wiki: ChangeLog
Wiki: Hints